Motherwarming - Revitalising Your Body After Birth

As you and your new little one settle into your lives together, it can be an emotionally overwhelming and physically demanding time.

When I had my baby I thought I was going mad and needed to see a psychologist and my sweet natured Chinese Doctor said to me ‘oh, just take a rest when the baby sleeps’.

Sounds simplistic and of course mental health and postnatal depression aside, there is more we can do to help ourselves feel better both mentally and physically. 

In clinic we see a lot of patients for preconception and pre birth care, but forget that the period after birth, or 4th trimester, is an equally important time for the mother of a new young baby. 

Huge hormonal changes are taking place after birth. Progesterone and oestrogen drop rapidly in the first week, soon followed by HcG and even the feelgood neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine drop naturally in the weeks after birth.

Coupled with coming down from the intensity of the birthing experience and living with a sudden changed routine with a new baby, if hormones are depleted or not in balance, it can lead to the feelings of postnatal depression or ‘baby blues’.

Other hormones become activated in their place, such as prolactin and cortisol, to ensure good milk production, and oxytocin which helps milk release and stimulates contractions to help the uterus go back to its normal size and stop uterine bleeding after birth. 

Interestingly, cortisol is also a stress hormone, and can become depleted at times of chronic anxiety or stress. 

Oxytocin is also a feel good hormone, that promotes mother-child bonding, feelings of warmth, and calm and amazingly, helps the mother’s digestion and helps absorb energy and nutrients better from her good after birth. 

Oxytocin is stimulated during birth and while holding, touching and breastfeeding the baby, but is inhibited by anxiety and fear. 

If cortisol and oxyctocin levels are depleted it can further exacerbate breastfeeding and other challenges and add to the cycle of stress. 

For some mothers, breastfeeding can be challenging, and anxiety levels may be high as they grapple with these physical, emotional and mental changes, which can vary depending on each woman’s circumstance, levels of support and ability to ask for help and self-care.

In Chinese medicine we talk about the mother’s health in terms of Jing, Qi, Blood and Shen. 

Jing is the fundamental or constitutional essence from deep within the mother that was used in the pregnancy to make the baby, and is greatly depleted post pregnancy and childbirth. 

Qi is the energy with which the mother operates her daily life - how tired or energetic she feels depends on Qi levels. This is affected by sleep, diet and self care practices for example. 

Blood is literally blood- breastmilk production, iron stores, not being dehydrated, making sure there is adequate circulation to all the organs and tissues, and that the blood runs smoothly and isn’t congested. 

Shen is the ‘Spirit’ and really reflects the state of mind and emotions, and feelings of connectedness and wellbeing. 

Taking care of the mother in this period after birth to keep all these factors in harmony is incredibly important, for her wellbeing as well as the baby’s and to optimise fertility for any future pregnancies. 

With acupuncture we like to try and assist with calming stress levels, and restoring energy and essence that may have become depleted during pregnancy, childbirth and busy working life. 

The first treatment we offer after birth is called a ‘Motherwarming treatment’.

This treatment is a comforting and relaxing treatment that warms the lower back and lower abdomen, using either a heat lamp or smokeless moxa stick. 

It’s safe to do this treatment as early as a few days after a vaginal birth, and 2 weeks after a Caesarian birth, providing there are no infections or complications. 

Alongside this treatment we recommend eating healthily after birth, with lots of fresh, nutritional foods, especially slow cooked, nourishing stews and soups and avoiding too many cold or processed foods. 

Good, true nutrition can go a long way to helping you feel less depleted which can lead to low mood and feelings of not coping. 

Having a supportive family member, friend or hiring a postnatal Doula can help you with general tasks such cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, or holding the baby while you go to the toilet or shower if you are at home on your own can make a big difference to your self love and self care while caring for your new tiny little human. 

In the modern world we have a big emphasis on do, do, do rather than be, be, be, so remember also this time doesn’t last forever but it’s a big one to get through- so it’s ok to take naps and seek support when you want to. Hire a cleaner once a week for the first few weeks so that you can feel less guilty about taking naps when your baby does. 

Happy parent is a happy baby. Remember to rest whenever possible, take moments out for yourself as a new parent and don’t underestimate the effects of a little self care. You deserve it!