7 Ways To Decrease Stress And Improve Fertility

In our fast-paced modern world, infertility is on the rise. 1 in 6 Australian couples are struggling to conceive.

There are many factors that may be contributing to these figures, including the effects of stress and modern living. Managing stresses and having good emotional wellbeing can really lay a good foundation for all other treatments on your fertility journey. 


There are many peer reviewed studies on the effects of stress on the reproductive system. Studies from Harvard Medical School suggest a very direct link between stress, depression and ovarian regularities in women, and impaired sperm development in men. Studies from other universities on IVF participants indicated that those with higher levels of anxiety and depression had reduced rates of having a positive pregnancy. 

This may be due to a few factors, as during stress, certain physiological responses are triggered. 

  1. Adrenaline is released from the adrenal glands which can hinder the body’s ability to utilise progesterone. 

  2. Cortisol secreted during stress uses up progesterone- progesterone supports trophoblast production which aids in implantation. 

  3. Pituitary glands secrete higher levels of prolactin which may trick the body into thinking it is pregnant

  4. Blood flows to the brain, heart and skeletal muscles rather than to the uterus or ovaries (fight or flight response)

  5. Insomnia and poor quality sleep- leading to immune and inflammatory conditions and hormonal disruption. 


While all that may sound scary, the good news is that that means there is more you can do to exercise control over some aspects of your fertility.  

You don’t have to do all of these, choose the ones you feel resonate with you the most, or try all of them if that works for you! 

Gentle (not tiring) exercise:

While you may feel better after going to the gym or for a run, it is better for fertility to do exercise that directs blood flow to the internal, isn’t too taxing, and feels energising and peaceful.
Yoga is a great way of adding holistic movement into your routine that isn’t necessarily going to shunt blood from your ovaries and reproductive areas to the periphery. If you feel you have conceived you may need to talk to your yoga teacher or go to specialised prenatal or gentle yin yoga classes. 

Meditation and Mantra singing:

Calming the mind and mental chatter can have numerous benefits for fertility. There are plenty of amazing guided meditations and meditation apps out there to help you get into the habit of daily meditation. Meditation can be a great practice to get into when you wake up in the night and can’t get back to sleep also. Try going to a local kirtan (mantra) singing group (often at your local yoga studio), the physical effects of this can feel deeply mentally and physically recharging and relaxing. 


For the love of all things holy and reproductive, please, please try and get some rest. I know you’re busy. I know there are a million and one things to do. But if you are struggling with fertility it is possible that your body is asking you to slow down. It wants to restore blood flow, hormonal regeneration and peace of mind and may make you feel a greater sense of control back over your life. 


This is something I teach all of my patients after an embryo transfer, during the two week wait or before an early pregnancy dating scan.
If you haven’t heard of Emotional Freedom Technique (commonly known as ‘tapping’ get yourself over to https://www.thetappingsolution.com/ and learn this gentle but profound method for managing high intensity emotions that feel very chemically real in your body.  It might be one of the best ways to self manage calm wherever you are- home, office, train, in public, or whenever panicked or feeling stressed about feeling stressed. 


Acupuncture may help reduce stress and many patients report a deep feeling of relaxation during acupuncture.  Massage and other body work may also feel calming, reduce tension and may therefore be beneficial while trying to conceive or do IVF. 


Diet is a topic we can go into at great depth but at the very least try to eliminate foods may trigger or contribute to inflammation such as sugar, gluten, alcohol and caffeine. Supplements that include calcium and magnesium can help calm and support the nervous system. 

Anything that makes you feel good:

Take some time out to make yourself smile. Feeling good is a great way to break up the cycle of built up stress that being on a prolonged fertility journey can create. Getting up to watch the sunrise, taking time to be in nature,, funny movies and candle lit baths are all great examples of little ways to remind yourself of the joys in life and be kind to yourself each day. Practicing visualisations, having daily affirmations and gratitude practice can also help you keep focused on the good despite fears that may arise each month as you are preparing to conceive again. 

I hope you have found these few tips helpful and wish you all the best on your own beautiful, unique journey through the challenges of preconception care and fertility. 


  1. How mental health can impact reproductive health https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/how-mental-health-can-impact-reproductive-health/

  2. The relationship between stress and infertility https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29946210/

  3. Effectiveness of acupuncture on anxiety disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12991-021-00327-5

  4. Therapeutic modulation of the psychoneuroimmune system by medical acupuncture creates enhanced feelings of well-being https://journals.lww.com/jaanp/abstract/2006/04000/therapeutic_modulation_of_the_psychoneuroimmune.1.aspx

  5. The feasibility of acupuncture as an adjunct intervention for antenatal depression: a pragmatic randomised controlled trial https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0165032720302081

  6. The Effects of Meditation, Yoga, and Mindfulness on Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in Tertiary Education Students: A Meta-Analysis https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychiatry/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00193/full

  7. Learn how to do EFT/tapping  https://www.thetappingsolution.com/

FertilityBronte Jones