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 The atoms that make up your body were once forged inside stars.




And Bodywork

  • Acupuncture is an ancient healing method that induces a state of relaxation, helping the nervous system to relax, and bringing extra blood flow to organs and systems that need a little help. Depending on what you need, we may also add cupping, moxibustion, therapeutic massage and electro acupuncture to your treatments.

    For facial or beauty related acupuncture we add Jade rollers and MUKTI organics skin care products to your treatments.

    For homework we may teach you self healing tools you can do at home such as moxa (eg for working to turn a breech baby or to prevent bleeding in early pregnancy), or ‘press tacs’ - small micro sized stick on acupuncture needles that you can administer at home.


Chinese Herbal Medicine
And Dietetics

  • Chinese herbal medicine, like acupuncture, is a complex and sophisticated system of medicine that has been around, evolving and modernising, and has stood the tests of time, for over 4000 years. While we may consider it ‘alternative medicine’ in Western countries, more and more people are seeking complimentary health care methods to try to balance and improve chronic health conditions.

    We at Prem Healing work alongside and receive referral from many medical and allied health practitioners. We prescribe safe and TGA approved medicines from reputable sources and especially do not source products that harm animals especially including no mineral, vegetable or animal products from endangered species lists.

    You will need to let us know of any medications you are taking so we can ensure a herb’s compatibility with other medications and ensure no drug interactions take place. We do not administer herbs during IVF cycles for example, or blood thinning herbs if you are taking blood thinning medications such as warfarin.

    Herbal medicine costs vary depending on premium or rare types of herbs and various types of preparations (eg capsule, granulated, fresh etc).


Functional Medicine Testing
And Supplements

  • As well as traditional Chinese medicine practices such as acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion and herbal medicine, we may also recommend high quality practitioner grade supplements.

    We also can provide functional medicine testing such as extra blood tests, gut and vaginal microbiome testing, SIBO and RGCC oncology tests and more.


Consultation Information

Allow 1 hour for each acupuncture session (a little longer for your first session).

Consultations may include:

Chinese medicine diagnosis.

A review of your personal + family medical history.

A review of your diet, lifestyle and general habits.

Out of hours support available via text or email (or phone calls when necessary).

Functional medicine testing (if indicated).

Recommendations for diet, lifestyle, further testing, health plan and treatment timeframe outlined based on the above information, tailored for each individual.



$120 New Patient Consult - 1 hr + Online form and analysis

$100 Follow up Acupuncture - 45 minutes

$170 Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture Initial Consult - 1.5 hrs

$150 Facial Rejuvenation follow up - 1 hr

Acupressure for Labour childbirth education classes $65

Chinese medicine - Prices vary

Supplements - prices vary product to product


Frequently Asked Questions

  • By far the most commonly asked question- the answer is that for 99% of people, no it doesn’t.

    Our acupuncture is not like some of the stronger needling techniques you may have experienced or heard about such as dry needling through a physiotherapist, osteopath or chiropractor that is employed for the purpose of quickly and effectively releasing muscular tension. (Though occasionally we can also do this if required and requested).

    Our needles are more gently inserted, and retained for longer periods of time along strategic points in the body.

    Occasionally I get a very nervous, needle phobic person in clinic who tends to feel the needles more sensitively and for those people I have techniques and ways to help them through it and apply very gentle needling techniques, while still reaching the same therapeutic results.

    Some patients have sensitive areas they prefer not to have needled and we are able to find other points for those patients or use tiny press on micro needles or laser or moxibustion (a warming, non-contact treatment) instead.

    Typically even the most needle sensitive or needle phobic patient is able to relax more and more with each visit and typically finds an induced state of relaxation even if initially nervous prior to their treatment.

  • Moxibustion (often referred to as ‘Moxa’) is a warming technique applied above the skin to  promote circulation and improved blood flow to a specific acupuncture point or area. We use it alongside or instead of acupuncture needles, depending on the condition and what is needed.

    Moxibustion traditionally is made from compacted Mugwort herb in the shape of a cigar or small cone that can be held above the skin or placed onto an acupuncture needle. These days modern clinics often use smokeless moxa sticks to reduce smoke and the pungent aroma. In our clinic we also use electronic moxa and heat lamps for warming.

    The benefit of moxa is to treat conditions of stagnation, cold, pain, or lack of energy in the body. For example during menstrual pain, some sports injuries, fatigue related conditions, and some fertility conditions where the abdomen feels very cold indicating a need for improved circulation. The warmth from the moxa or heat lamp can feel deeply relaxing and comforting.

  • Electro acupuncture is actually very small battery operated leads that we attach to the acupuncture pins that creates a very mild vibration on the needle to create a slightly stronger treatment.

    The sensation is very gentle, like a slightly fluttering butterfly for most people (for more sensitive patients who may be fearful of the extra sensation, electro acupuncture is often unnecessary).

    We use electro to encourage extra blood flow and functionality to an area, for example with stubborn conditions such as PCOS, where there is a physical blockage or for patients who may be carrying extra abdominal weight or have low sensitivity to needles.

    We may also use it to encourage extra blood flow to ovaries during an stimulated IVF drug cycle, or preparing for a frozen embryo transfer.

  • This is the ultimate question and one that we get asked all the time. From a traditional Chinese medicine point of view the placing of fine needles along certain meridians and acupuncture points will induce what we call ‘Qi’ (pronounced ‘chee’) to flow better through that area.

    Qi is the life force inside us that is behind all of our other systems- for example that moves our blood, lymph and nervous systems. Without that life force, we do not exist. Our brains and hearts are very electrical, and we need this electrical, or Qi, system, to be moving smoothly for our body functions to work smoothly.

    This Qi is said to move in certain pathways we call meridians- that run between and connect up with our organs and systems. Qi flow in the body can be affected by multiple factors that affect local circulation. When we place acupuncture needles along these pathways it can be like a conductor of electricity, encouraging improved circulation of Qi and blood flow through these areas. 

  • Acupuncture is a highly regulated industry and carried out by fully qualified professionals who undergo a minimum of 4 years of university level education with rigorous academic and clinical training in both Western medical sciences and traditional Chinese medicine.

    We are trained to be very cautious in any areas that require shallow or more horizontal needling, and avoid certain acupuncture points for a person who is pregnant or at certain times of the month if you are trying to conceive. 

  • Australia is highly regulated in the industry of Chinese Medicine. We use only reputable TGA medicines from good quality, organic where possible, suppliers. We do not use any products from endangered species,  that harm animals, or contain heavy metals.

    Adverse reactions to herbal medicine are mild and very rare. I have on rare occasions had patients who will react to herbal medicines or topical creams with a mild rash that does not last and for those patients I will change or discontinue the use of those herbs and focus instead on improving the immune system, decreasing inflammation, or other types of supplements and diet therapy- working on other layers of wellness before re introducing the herbal medicines.

  • Treatment plans are very individual and will depend on what your health goals are, what we are working on, and how clinically advanced your particular condition is. 

    For example fertility treatment protocols therefore may range from up to 3- 12 months depending on individual requirements.

    Birth preparation acupuncture is typically given weekly for 4 consecutive weeks leading up to a due date, with frequency increasing after or close to the due date.